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CUG Students Win 7 Golds, 8 Silvers and 3 Bronzes in“Challenge Cup”Hubei ProvincialCollege Student Business Plan Competition

Jul 1, 2024  

In the 13th Hubei Provincial “Challenge Cup” College Student Business Plan Competition hosted at Hubei University of Technology, CUG was awarded 7 golds, 8 silvers, and 3 bronzes.CUG’s overall performance ranked among the top in the province, with both the number and quality of awards reaching new heights.

The Competition featured five categories: scientific & technological innovation and future industries, rural revitalization and agricultural modernization, ecological conservation and green &l ow-carbon development, cultural creativity and regional exchanges, as well as social governance and public services. It attracted 1,717 teams across 121 higher education institutions. A total of 167 gold medal projects, 316 silver medal projects, and 1,116 bronze medal projects were selected.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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