Confucius Institutes are cooperative educational entities established between Chinese and foreign institutions. The usage of the trademark of Confucius Institute is authorized by Chinese International Education Foundation, the holder of the trademark of Confucius Institute.
The mission of Confucius Institutes is as follows:
- to promote Chinese language;
- to promote Chinese culture;
- to promote education and culture exchanges between countries.
Since 2007, CUG has partnered with Bryant University from the USA, Alfred University from the USA, and Veliko Turnovo University from Bulgaria in establishing three Confucius Institutes on their campuses.
CUG provides support and assistance to the three Confucius Institutes in their operations, especially in culture exchange programs, helping Confucius Institutes recruit Chinese language teachers and volunteers, and organizing education and culture exchange programs.
Confucius Institutes have been playing a very important role in CUG’s internationalization efforts. Through the open platform of Confucius Institutes, hundreds of scholars and students have participated in exchanges programs sponsored by CUG and the partner universities; CUG arts troupe has visited and performed in five countries; international renowned artists have visited CUG campus and organized exhibitions/performances here; and every year, CUG plays host to “Experience China” events, which are participated by dozens of international students and educators organized by Confucius Institutes. Meanwhile, Confucius Institutes also have helped other local students (including students from elementary and middle schools in Hubei province) and artists to reach out to the outside world.
CUG invites all interested parties to join us in our language and cultural exchange programs.
For more information about the three Confucius Institutes, please visit:
Confucius Institute at Bryant University
Confucius Institute at Alfred University
Confucius Institute at Veliko Turnovo University
Please contact CUG Confucius Institute Affairs Office via
86-27-67883832, or