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CUG Students Start Summer Field Study

Jul 21, 2021  

Because of the pandemic, the field study centers in Beidaihe and Zhoukoudian open to CUG students again after two years.


The orientation in Zhoukoudian

During the orientation in Zhoukoudian on July 11, the students were informed of the field study routes, main tasks, COVID-19 prevention and control measures, and safety precautions.

Indoor teaching

The teachers give geological overviews of the areas, explain the format of field notes, and demonstrate how to use the compass. Students in each base have to go through these sessions indoors. What’s more, it is also necessary for them to observe the rock specimens in the bases.

Prof. CHEN Nengsong from the School of Earth Sciences offers a geological overview of Zhoukoudian


In each route, the students observe the geological phenomena, trim qualified rock specimens, measure the production, take field notes, understand the changes on the vertical section through profiles, and get to know the spatial spread on the horizontal plane by mapping. Their sweat and footprints shape their correct geological recognition.

The teachers and students from the School of Environmental Studies observe hydrogeological and environgeological phenomena in Zigui

The teachers and students from the School of Earth Resources apply their geological knowledge and skills on the South Slope of the Taiping Mountain in Zhoukoudian

The teachers and students from the School of Geophysics and Geomatics operate gravimeters, magnetometers, magnetotelluric instruments, and seismographs for their fieldwork in Beidaihe

This summer, over 3,600 students and over 300 teachers will carry out fieldwork from the beginning of July to the end of September.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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