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Prof. WANG, Yanxin Awarded IAGC Fellow

Apr 23, 2021  

On Earth Day – April 22, 2021, CUG Prof. WANG, Yanxin has been awarded the title of IAGC Fellow along with Prof. Janet Hering from Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH), Switzerland, by International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC). The honorary title is bestowed annually to no more than two scientists who have made significant contributions to the field with an emphasis on applied geochemistry.

During his thirty years dedication to the field of groundwater quality, Prof. WANG has developed hydrogeological theories and methods as well as applications in groundwater resources protection and sustainable safe water supply. In the typical study areas of the Datong Basin, Hetao Basin, North China Plain and central Yangtze River Basin, Prof. WANG has led his group carrying out interdisciplinary fundamental research and collaborating with international scholars in an effort to focus on the mechanisms and the remediation for the geogenic contamination by arsenic, fluorine, and iodine in groundwater systems. Among all research groups in geogenic contaminated groundwaters (GCGs) worldwide, Prof. WANG’s research group has excelled in SCI publications and frequency of citations in the past 15 years, which has also promoted Chinese scientific reputation in this field. Prof. WANG’s group has proposed four basic genetic types of GCGs in its recent publication. The theory integrates complex genetic mechanisms of GCGs into a new theoretical framework, thus enhances the understanding of GCGs genesis and the capability of predicting their spatial and temporal distribution, which provides theoretical and technological support for sustainable safe supply of drinking water.

IAGC was founded in 1967. It is an affiliated member of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). As a first-class international academic organization in the field of geochemistry, it aims to promote international cooperation and development of the subject. 

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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