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CUG Teachers Win Prizes in 1st Hubei Provincial Innovation in Teaching Competition for University Teachers

Apr 23, 2021  

In the 1st Hubei Provincial Innovation in Teaching Competition for University Teachers, ZHOU Jianwei from the School of Environmental Studies won the second prize of group of teachers with senior professional title,YAO Xiajing from the School of Foreign Languages won the third prize of group of teachers with deputy senior professional title, teaching team of environmental geology led by CHENG Qun won the award for outstanding primary-level teaching organization, and CUG won the award for outstanding organization.


ZHOU Jianwei (second from the right) and his teammates

ZHOU described the innovation of the course Environmental Geology from the aspects of overview, design, implementation, etc. Faced with the major problems of traditional classroom teaching, he integrated systematic and scientific thinking into teaching, and emphasized the advancement of students’ learning and the systematicness of the course in his design.

YAO Xiajing

YAO introduced the innovation of the course English Writing 3. She focused on the combination of language skills and humanistic quality.

The Competition presented 9 first prizes, 21 second prizes, 30 third prizes, 13 awards for outstanding primary-level teaching organization, and 16 awards for outstanding organization. CUG selected 8 teams and individuals for the Competition.


(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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