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CUG’s Geology and Geological Resources & Geological Engineering Included in Second List of Double First-class Initiative

Feb 16, 2022  

According to the list of the second batch of the Double First-class Universities and Academic Disciplines released by the Ministry of Education on February 14, CUG’s Geology and Geological Resources & Geological Engineering are included in the Double First-class Initiative again.

A total of 147 universities and a range of disciplines have been selected in the second stage after expert reviews. In the second stage of the Double First-class Initiative, academic disciplines instead of the universities they belong to are the most important, so there will be no differences between Double First-class Universities and Universities with Double First-class Disciplines, said an official from the Ministry of Education.

In the first stage of the Double First-class Initiative, CUG’s efforts on Geology and Geological Resources & Geological Engineering delivered positive results. CUG will continue to promote a new round of “double First-class” construction with geology, geological resources and geological engineering as the core. Priority will be given to deep earth science, geobiology, geological environment and health, strategic mineral resources, geoengineering and habitat safety, deep earth exploration and geodynamics, holographic monitoring and intelligent management of natural resources in the Yangtze River Basin, intelligent geological equipment, and management and policies of natural resources.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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