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CUG Starts “Basic Research on Prediction and Forecast of Large Landslides”

Apr 19, 2021  

The project launch conference of “Basic Research on Prediction and Forecast of Large Landslides” was held in Wuhan on April 10. The project, funded by the Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), is led by CUG Prof. TANG Huiming and joined by researchers from Chang’an University, Chengdu University of Technology, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Lanzhou University. Over 110 people, including the experts from the NSFC, members of the CAS, CUG leaderships, and members of the project, attended the launch conference.

HUANG Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee of CUG, appreciated everyone’s support for CUG’s development and promised to ensure the smooth operation of the project.


HOU Zengqian, member of the CAS, emphasized that the project should fulfill the significant needs of the country, target the global science frontiers, and make original breakthroughs.


Prof. TANG Huiming explained the major scientific problems, objectives, contents, plans, and expected results of the project.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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