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CUG and Huawei Establish “Intelligent Base”

Apr 15, 2021  

CUG and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. held the signing ceremony of “Intelligent Base” on April 6. “Intelligent Base” is an education program which combines the efforts of the university and the enterprise. XU Yingtong, President of Ascend Computing Business, Huawei, LIU Xiangqing, General Manager of Hubei Cloud and Computing Business, Huawei, HUANG Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee of CUG, Heads of Units, and representatives of the School of Computer Science attended the signing ceremony.

HUANG Xiaomei delivered a welcome speech. She thanked Huawei for its support for CUG’s education and innovation efforts.“‘Intelligent Base’ will lay the foundation for developing future leaders of the new round of scientific and technological revolution,” HUANG said.“I hope we will make concerted efforts and keep connected to make good use of our resources, train students with the knowledge and skills our society needs, and expedite the transformation of research results into commercial products.”

XU Yingtong thanked CUG’s trust in Huawei. He expected that, through “Intelligent Base”, both sides could help develop key technologies like Kunpeng, Ascend, and Huawei Cloud as well as explore more possibilities of university-enterprise cooperation.

CHEN Yunliang, Vice Dean of the School of Computer Science, introduced the School and “Intelligent Base”. According to the notification of the Ministry of Education in September 2020, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, CUG, and other 68 higher education institutions were selected to establish “Intelligent Base” in partnership with Huawei. In CUG and Huawei’s “Intelligent Base”, courses of Kunpeng, Ascend, and Huawei Cloud that are tailored to the needs of the industry will be developed; training in key technologies will be provided for faculty; student clubs will be set up and students will participate in various innovation and entrepreneurship activities, developer competitions, forums, and summits; Huawei will provide software and hardware of Kunpeng, Ascend, and Huawei Cloud in aid of teaching.

WANG Lizhe, Dean of the School of Computer Science, and LIU Xiangqing sign the cooperation agreement

HUANG Xiaomei and XU Yingtong officially announce the establishment of “Intelligent Base”

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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