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CUG Contributes to Chang’e-5 Lunar Mission

Nov 25, 2020  


Chang’e-5 is launched into space by the fifth Long March-5 rocket

JIN Liwang/Xinhua News Agency

The Chang’e-5 mission, named after the ancient Chinese goddess of the moon, will seek to collect lunar material to help scientists understand more about the moon’s history. If successful, it would be the first time for China to have retrieved lunar samples. Prof. XIAO Long from CUG was engaged in the mission as a member of the expert group for the flight control of the acquisition subsystem of drilling and coring.

In addition, two CUG teams led by Prof. LI Dafo and Professor DUAN Longchen participated in part of the scheme design and simulation test of drilling.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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