On the morning of October 2, the Class of 1989 held reunion events for their 30th anniversary at CUG. Over 3,000 alumni and their families caught up with their fellow friends and the professors who had helped them in their educational journey, and had a wonderful time reminiscing the good old times.
Current and former CUG leadership, Heads of Schools, Heads of Units, and representatives of former faculty members were present.

WANG Linqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CUG, said that the reunion of the Class of 1989 symbolized their affection for their alma mater.

On behalf of CUG,HUANG Xiaomei, Secretary of the Party Committee of CUG, thanked the alumni for their support for CUG and welcomed them back. She said that many exciting changes have taken place at CUG and the alumni have also made wonderful memories while working their way to be who they are today. In the new era, she hoped, that the alumni and CUG could work together for greater achievements.

President WANG Yanxin talked about CUG achievements in the infrastructure, education, research, campus culture, and community service of CUG in recent years. He encouraged every CUGer to make an effort to build CUG as a world-class university in geosciences.

ZENG Qinggao, from Class 12851, Chief Engineer in Tibetan Institute of Geological Survey, recalled his life at CUG 30 years ago. For him, the four years at CUG are his most memorable time. He and his classmates are as faithful and enthusiastic as they were 30 years ago. He expected alumni to enjoy the great era and gather more often.

MA Chi, from Class 13851, teacher at California Institute of Technology, shared his experiences as a teacher and researcher. He was grateful to his teachers and classmates, as wherever the alumni are, they all started from CUG. In his eyes, the earth is beautiful while geosciences are fascinating, which drives him to keep doing research in nanomineralogy with the knowledge and courage as a CUGer.

17 Representatives of former faculty members receive flowers from the alumni

The alumni applaud the spectacular performance

The alumni have reunion lunch in the canteen

During the reunion, Units of CUG, teachers, and students worked together and tried many new things to make the alumni feel the warmth of home.
(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)