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Smart Cement Postcard Designed by CUG Professor Debuts in World Stamp Exhibition

Jul 3, 2019  

On June 13, the world’s first smart cement postcard debuted in China 2019 World Stamp Exhibition and amazed every visitor. The design team of the postcard was led by CUG Associate Prof. CHEN Xiaoli, director of department of industrial design at School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information.

The cement postcard, themed as “Water and Fire”, was designed by CHEN’s team and realized by artist WEN Na in the form of fresco.

It featured a modern design which integratedspecial cement, new technique and advanced interaction technology.The relief effect produced by 3D printing technology showed exquisite images.With the supportof WeChat’s mini-program, the information of the postcard could be conveyed through various ways. As a new product of traditional materials, advanced technologies and new ideas, the postcard was a letter “sent” to society by cement with modern technologies, telling a story ofinheritance and innovation. It was a letter from the past to the future, and a new way to share joy and wonderful memories in the new era.

“It is notonly a mediumof information exchange anymore, but a smart product of the Internet. Through the WeChat’s mini-program, the privacy of the information between the sender and the receiver is guaranteed,” said CHEN. “We attach greater and greater importance to privacy. Some people prefer to communicate in a private way, and this postcard meets their demand.”

(Translated and edited from the Chinese version)

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