Title: Camelus knoblochigenome reveals the complex evolutionary history of Old-World camels
Source: Current Biology
Authors: Junxia Yuan (袁俊霞), Jiaming Hu (胡家铭), Wenhui Liu (刘文晖), Shungang Chen(陈顺港), Fengli Zhang (张凤礼), Siren Wang (王斯人), Zhen Zhang (张振), Linying Wang (王林英), Bo Xiao (肖博), Fuqiang Li (李富强), Michael Hofreiter, Xulong Lai (赖旭龙), Michael V. Westbury, Guilian Sheng (盛桂莲)
Published: Available online 15 May 2024
Link: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1j5Yl3QW8S6EX
Graphcal abstract: