Title: Combined Test of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law at the Centimeter Range
Authors: Jun Ke, Jie Luo, Cheng-Gang Shao, Yu-Jie Tan, Wen-Hai Tan, and Shan-Qing Yang
Published: 26 May 2021
Link: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.211101
Experiments measuring the Newtonian gravitational constant G can offer uniquely sensitive probes of the test of the gravitational inverse-square law. An analysis of the non-Newtonian effect in two independent experiments measuring G is presented, which permits a test of the 1/r2 law at the centimeter range. This work establishes the strongest bound on the magnitude α of Yukawa-type deviations from Newtonian gravity in the range of 5–500 mm and improves the previous bounds by up to a factor of 7 at the length range of 60–100 mm.