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New Constraints on the Young Lava Flow Profile in the Northern Mare Imbrium

Sep 4, 2020  

Title: New Constraints on the Young Lava Flow Profile in the Northern Mare Imbrium

Authors: Yuefeng Yuan; Fenghua Wang; Peimin Zhu; Long Xiao; Na Zhao

Source: Geophysical Research Letters,Volume 47, Issue 16, e2020GL088938

First published: 17 August 2020

DOI: 10.1029/2020GL088938



Previous studies showed that the Eratosthenian mare (Em) unit in the northern Mare Imbrium, which is the location of the Chang’e-3 (CE3) landing site, was simply formed by one period of thick lava flow. However, the CE3 Yutu rover equipped with lunar penetrating radar (LPR) recognized multilayered Em basalts based on the Channel 1 data reprocessed in this paper, indicating that three subdivided thin Eratosthenian lava flows should exist. The spatial variation and thickness distribution of each layer are further estimated based on the location of interfaces recognized from the shallow radar profile. Finally, we build a three-dimensional stratigraphic model of young mare basalts with filling directions beneath the Chang’e-3 landing site. The result infers that these young lava flows in the northern Mare Imbrium probably erupted intermittently from the same source.

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