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Two-Photon Lithographic Patterning of DNA-Coated Single-Microparticle Surfaces

Jul 1, 2019  

Title:Two-Photon Lithographic Patterning of DNA-Coated Single-Microparticle Surfaces

Author(s):Huang, Fujian; Zhang, Juan; Li, Tao; Duan, Ruilin; Xia, Fan*; Willner, Itamar*

Addresses:, China Univ Geosci, Fac Mat Sci & Chem, Engn Res Ctr Nanogeomat, Minist Educ, 388 Lumo Rd, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China

Source:Nano Lett.2019191618-625



Abstract:The spatially defined functionalization of microparticles with asymmetric shape-controlled nucleic acid patterns is a major challenge in materials science. The asymmetric patterning of microparticles is important to allow the controlled fabrication of crystalline lattices or controlled aggregates of microparticles. We present the combination of two-photon lithography and photocleavable o-nitrobenzylphosphate ester nucleic acid coating-modified microparticles as a versatile means to asymmetrically pattern single microparticle surfaces. The two-photon patterning of microparticles with predesigned nucleic acid structures of different sizes (700 nm to 2.8 μm) and shapes (circles, rings, triangles, and squares) are demonstrated. In addition, complex patterned domains consisting of two different asymmetric nucleic acid domains are fabricated by the controlled Z-positioning of the microparticles in respect to the two-photon irradiation sources. In addition, the two-photon lithographic patterning of the photocleavable DNA coating allows the generation of functional nucleic acid domains for the photostimulated activation of the catalytic hybridization assembly (CHA) of branched nucleic acid structures on single microparticles.

Full Text from Publisher:

1. Chemical principle for the two-photon DNA lithography on single microparticle surfaces. (a) Schematic illustration of two-photon focal-spot irradiation of the microparticles surfaces. The focal-spot position (x, y, and z) is precisely controlled by the confocal microscopy system. (b) Photocleavage of o-nitrobenzylphosphate ester units cleaved by 1-photon (λ ≈ 365 nm) or 2-photon (λ = 740 nm) irradiation. (c) Single DNA strands linked by o-nitrobenzylphosphate ester unit being cleaved via 1-photon (λ ≈ 365 nm) or 2-photon (λ = 740 nm) irradiation. (d) The hairpin DNA structure linked by o-nitrobenzylphosphate ester unit being cleaved and separated to a toehold-functionalized duplex via 1-photon (λ ≈ 365 nm) or 2-photon (λ = 740 nm) irradiation. Schematic cartoons showing the shape- and size-controlled (1, 2) and the sequential (3) and 2-color (4) lithographic patterning of the particles.

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