Over 9,000 new students arrived at CUG on September 2.

The image landscape of “explore the universe, earth, ocean, and summits” and the 70th anniversary mascots

HU Songlin and HU Songtao, twin brothers from the School of Computer Science

CHEN Yanrong from the School of Earth Resources and his parents

XU Guiyu from the School of Environmental Studies and her families

ZHANG Yunfei from the School of Environmental Studies whose late father was an outstanding alumnus of CUG

ZHANG Yifan from the School of Geography and Information Engineering

LI Shuangling and LI Shuangfeng, twin sisters from the Institute for Education Research

GU Ruoxiao (19 years old) from the School of Environmental Studies, the youngest graduate student of 2022

ZHOU Junzhang from the School of Economics and Management, a hard-working and optimistic student not defeated by Spinal Muscular Atrophy

CUG leaders greeted new students and their families on campus and in dormitories.

173 teacher and student volunteers welcomed and assisted new students at three railway stations of Wuhan.

The student volunteers for orientation added up to nearly 1,800, including 416 people for information and guidance on campus, 160 for residence move-in, and 1179 for orientation at schools.

Schools planned some activities and icebreakers to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

The safeguards and medical workers of CUG maintained order and safeguarded health on campus.
(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)