The kick-off meeting of project “Research on the theory and technology of in-situ regulation of poor-quality groundwater improvement” led by CUG president WANG Yanxin was held on March 26. The project is part of the national key R&D program, aiming to solve some key scientific issues of transformative technologies in the program. Over 60 people attended the meeting.
WANG Yanxin reports on the background, technical difficulties, implementation plan, technical route, and indicators for evaluation of the project.
As the project leader, CUG collaborates with China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Nanjing University, Southern University of Science and Technology, Jilin University, and Hydrogeological and Environmental Geological Survey Center of China Geological Survey. The project has four sub-topics, which are rapid detection, identification of causal mechanisms, simulation of solute transport, and demonstration and application of improved technologies.
(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)