According to the Top 10 Paleontological Findings of 2021 announced by the Palaeontological Society of China, two research results from CUG are among the top 10 list.
One is “Reconstruction and tracing of different paleoclimate factors by palaeolipids” by Prof. XIE Shucheng’s team. It opens up a new direction for geobiology to be applied in the field of global change and shows the promising prospects as well as the strong scientific communication values of geomicroorganisms in earth science.
The other is “Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and terrestrial ecosystem disturbances at the Paleo-Mesozoic transition” by Prof. TONG Jinan’s team. The research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the link between climate evolution, terrestrial extinction, and physiological response at the Paleo-Mesozoic transition. It is also important for quantitative studies of Earth’s climate sensitivity during the geological history.
(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)