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CUG’s “English Phonetics” Ranked Third Among Foreign Language Courses on Chinese University MOOC Platform

Jan 27, 2022  

The Chinese University MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Platform ( released its 2021 hottest course list on January 17, and CUG’s “English Phonetics” initiated by associate professor WANG Guonian was ranked third among foreign language courses.

“English Phonetics” was lectured by associate professor WANG Guonian’s team from the School of Foreign Languages. It was started online in May of 2019 after more than a year of preparation. So far, over 150,000 people have taken this course and it has been well received. Nearly 20 universities nationwide have recognized it as a general elective SPOC (Small Private Online Course).

The hottest course list was based on the numbers of learners and evaluations of over 10,000 courses on the platform as well as other indicators. The Chinese University MOOC Platform is the most recognized one of its kind in China, with hundreds of thousands of learners taking various courses on it every day.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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