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​Hydrogen Energy Technology Innovation Center of Hubei Province Passed During Expert Discussion

Oct 8, 2021  

During the expert consultation and discussion organized by the Department of Science and Technology of Hubei Province on the morning of September 27, the project of the Hydrogen Energy Technology Innovation Center of Hubei Province led by CUG and Wuhan ITRI of Geo-Resources and Environment Co. Ltd (IGE) was passed.

Having done a field visit, heard reports, and reviewed information, the experts questioned and discussed the functions, framework, targets, and other aspects of the Innovation Center. They considered that the Hydrogen Energy Technology Innovation Center of Hubei Province aims at the major needs of energy security and environmental pollution of the country, focuses on the hydrogen energy industry, and takes R &D of key technologies as its core mission, which has significant technical and industrial advantages, meets the major needs of developing new industries and transforming traditional industries in Hubei province, and helps to enhance the core competitiveness of Hubei’s hydrogen energy industry in the country. Consequently, they all agreed to pass the project.

(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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