Prof. XIAO Long at the ceremony
A ceremony for receiving the lunar samplesbrought back by Chang’e-5 was held at the National Astronomical Observatories headquarters in Beijing on December 19 where the China National Space Administration handed the samples over to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for future storage, analysis, and research. CUG Prof. XIAO Long attended the ceremony as a scientist representative. CUG Vice President LAI Xulong, on behalf of CUG, also witnessed the historical moment.
Prof. XIAO Long and Vice President LAI Xulong at the ceremony
After ten years of hard work, the planetary geology team led by Prof. XIAO Long developed lunar rigolith simulant and made the geological map of the sampling site area for the Chang’e Project, providing basic geological support and improving the efficiency of sampling on the lunar surface and the safety of landing. The team contributed to the completion of the mission.
(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)