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CUG’s 16 Courses Evaluated as National First-class Undergraduate Courses

Dec 4, 2020  

The Ministry of Education has released the detailed list of the first batch of national first-class undergraduate courses, which include CUG’s 16 courses.

The 16 courses are: Fundamentals of Geology (online), Cultural and Natural Heritage (online), Paleobiology (offline), Historical Geology (offline), Geochemistry (offline), Mineral Deposits (offline), Sedimentology of Coal-bearing Basins (offline), Groundwater Pollution and Control (offline), Fundamentals of Engineering Geology (offline), Exploration Geophysics (offline), Management Science (offline), C Programming (offline), Principles and Applications of Process Control (offline), Crystallography and Mineralogy (online and offline), Analytical Chemistry (online and offline), and Groundwater Dynamics (online and offline). 


(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)

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