1. Before going out:
(1) Check your body temperature;
(2) Assess your health condition;
(3) Pack enough face masks and disinfecting wipes for a whole day.
2. On the way to work:
(1) Walk, cycle or drive a car to work if possible;
(2) When taking a public transport, be sure to wear a mask and avoid touching any items on the transport;
(3) When taking a taxi or using an online car hailing service, open the car door before getting in for better ventilation. Wear a mask and remind your driver to wear one.
3. In the elevator:
(1) Wear a mask and push the buttons with a tissue;
(2) Do not rub the eyes or face with your hands;
(3) Do not talk with each other and wash your hands immediately after taking the elevator;
(4) Use the stairs if you live at a low floor but avoid touching the handrail.
4. In the office:
(1) Keep the mask on even inside the office;
(2) Ventilate the room for 20 to 30 minutes three times a day and be careful of catching a cold;
(3) Use a tissue to cover up when you cough or sneeze;
(4) Minimize the use of central air conditioners.
(Source: Hubei Provincial Foreign Affairs Office)