On October 23, the delegation of Macquarie University including Deputy Vice-Chancellor David Wilkinson and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) Nicole Brigg visited CUG. CUG President WANG Yanxin, Vice President LAI Xulong, and representatives from Office of Science and Technology Development, International Cooperation Office, Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Student Affairs, School of Earth Sciences, and School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information had talks with the delegation.

Wang Yanxin reviewed the results of cooperation between the two sides in recent years and look forward to wider and deeper cooperation in the future. David Wilkinson expressed appreciation for what CUG had achieved. After discussion on teacher exchange programs, cooperation of scientific research projects, etc., the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding.

While only established in 1964, Macquarie University has risen to be a influential institution locally and internationally. Its average number of papers published in peer-reviewed journals per faculty member is among the top threeand its papers in environmental sciences and ecology are most cited of Australian universities.
(Edited and translated from the Chinese version)