The International Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGSPATIAL China Branch announced the winners of 2020 ACM SIGSPATIAL China Rising Star Award on July 22, 2020. Dr. YAO Yao from the School of Geography and Information Engineering won the Award.
Dr. YAO is mainly engaged in the research on big data and urban computing, integrating technology and industry as well as promoting the application of space science in other fields. Methodologically, he has improved the efficiency and accuracy of traditional urban calculation models, and theoretically, he has proposed the analysis logic and framework of “physical objects-spatial semantics-urban functions-industrial applications”.
In the context of China’s rapid urbanization process and the emergence of massive amounts of big data, Dr. YAO carries out integrative research in data science, geographic information systems, and urban sciences. He has promoted urban space perception, theoretical innovation, and application technology development of city change simulation at the micro-scale. Besides, Dr. YAO has also advanced the application of research results in multiple industries.

The Rising Star Award of the ACM SIGSPATIAL China Committee is based on the impact and depth of new ideas, models, systems, and applications created by candidates in spatial information. Every year, among young teachers in computer and spatial information across the country, no more than two with exceptional potential for scientific research are recommended to ACM China for the ACM China Rising Star Award.